Tuesday, November 15, 2011

If I could record it all....

Rachel is talking up a storm these days. She makes us laugh a lot. When we were pulling out of the driveway on Sunday morning, she pointed at Greg's truck and said that truck is yucky. We asked her why and she told us it's dirty b/c it makes Daddy dirty. She's slightly obsessed with cleanliness and always ask Greg if he is "all clean and had shower" when she sees him in the afternoon.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


While Rachel is in the bathtub, she asks us to write different names with her bath crayons. She always wants us to write, Rachel, Mommy, Daddy, Bucky, Chubs, Ga, and Papa. If she has seen someone else that day, we may write their name too. Lately we have been asking Rach how to spell her name. A couple weeks ago she came out with R-A-C-H-9-10. We busted out laughing and wondered where in the world that came from. On Saturday September 24th she got it right. When she was signing Nona's birthday card she was writing her name and she said, "R-A-C-H-E-L" as she drew lines. We're continually amazed at how quickly she picks up on things.

A Good Night

As we put Rachel to bed tonight and gave her kisses, she looked up and said, "Goodnight Daddy and Goodnight Mommy." I think Greg and I both teared up a little. Our baby is growing up so fast!

Playing House

Rachel loves to play with her doll house lately. She put the mom in the bed and then picked up the dad and put him in the bed too. She quickly took him out and said, "No, daddy sleep in the dirt." Greg and I started laughing and told her that Daddy works in the dirt but he doesn't sleep there. Since we laughed, she repeats it all the time!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


We drive down Highway 55 all the time. There are some newer apartment buildings on the left side of the street as you are heading into Durham. On our way to see Cailyn & Lisa today, Rachel looks over and says, "Dats a big house, mama." I laughed for awhile before I could tell her they were called apartments!

Daddy's idea

Rachel wanted to watch a movie so Greg went through a bunch of titles trying to find the one she wanted. After each one she would say, "No!" Finally when he got to the bottom of the pile he said, "How about Backyardigans?" Her response, "Dat's a good idea, Daddy!" Love her!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Last night, Rachel and Daddy were playing cars in the living room while I was cooking dinner. Greg had the TV on ESPN. They were showing baseball highlights. All of a sudden, Rachel runs in the kitchen and goes to the cabinet with all the pots and pans in it. She grabs the metal strainer and puts it infront of her face and says, "I play baseball." Maybe we have a future catcher in the house.

problem solver

Rachel likes for us to try and reach the ceiling or lights or anything that is "high in da sky." We stretch and try to reach whatever she is talking about at the moment. While we were eating breakfast yesterday Rachel was in her high chair and I was sitting at the table. She said, "touch the light mommy." I reached up and touched the light then she tried to touch it. She was too far away so she said, "I need shovel to touch it. I need shovel mommy." She has a plastic shovel and rake that she plays with outside and she knew that if she was holding it, she could reach the light.

Her birthday cards were on the mantel and she wanted to look at them. Greg would hand them to her and she would read it and then hand it back to him to put back. She decided that she wanted to put one of them back. She said, "Can't reach it!" as she stretched her arms up in the air. Her next words were, "I need chair."

Way to problem solve Rach!


Rachel has an obsession with the movie Cars. She hasn't seen Cars 2 but we are thinking of taking her when it goes to the $1.50 theater. Rachel loves to color on her cars coloring pad, read her Cars books, and play with her Cars. Her favorite thing to say to Daddy these days is, "Come on Daddy, lets play Cars!"

Monday, July 25, 2011

Papa's Car

Greg and Rachel were sitting in the parking lot of Harris Teeter while I ran in to get a few groceries. There was a red prius parked a few spaces away. A lady started walking to the prius and putting her groceries inside. Rachel said, "No, that Papa car. That Papa car!" and got very upset that this woman was putting her stuff in Papa's car. Greg tried to explain that it looks like Papa's car but that car didn't belong to Papa. She didn't want to hear any of that. No reasoning with this two year old!


Rachel was sitting on the counter while "Ga" was cutting up a cucumber. She asked, 'what dat?" and Ga told her is it was a cucumber. Rachel had a hard time pronouncing it so Ga told her to look at her mouth while she said it. Ga said, "cu cum ber" and Rachel looked her straight in the face and said, "Good job, Ga!" and proceeded to clap for her. Priceless!

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Rachel has been speaking in short sentences for a while but today she said her best one yet. "That's a big brown bear." is what she told us as she pointed at Daddy's bear from when he was a little boy. This girl continues to amaze us on a daily basis.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

One of my friends keeps a word document full of funny/clever stuff her children have said. I love the idea and wanted to try it myself. Here it goes.......

Wednesday June 15th while sitting at the table eating dessert "Rachel loves chocolate." This was the first time she ever said she loved something.

Wednesday June 22nd Goodbye mommy and hello mama.....I guess Rachel heard me call my mom "mama" so many times when we were in Texas it stuck. I tried to ignore her and correct her about a billion times and she won't stop. I guess I will be mama now. After all, she is being raised in the South!

Saturday June 25th while riding in the car "There's an octagon." She pointed at a stop sign that we were driving by. Wow! We talked about octagons last week after visiting an aquarium and seeing an octopus. Guess that really stuck!

Wish I could remember all the other cute things she has said. Hopefully this blog will make me better about writing it down.