Thursday, September 29, 2011


While Rachel is in the bathtub, she asks us to write different names with her bath crayons. She always wants us to write, Rachel, Mommy, Daddy, Bucky, Chubs, Ga, and Papa. If she has seen someone else that day, we may write their name too. Lately we have been asking Rach how to spell her name. A couple weeks ago she came out with R-A-C-H-9-10. We busted out laughing and wondered where in the world that came from. On Saturday September 24th she got it right. When she was signing Nona's birthday card she was writing her name and she said, "R-A-C-H-E-L" as she drew lines. We're continually amazed at how quickly she picks up on things.

A Good Night

As we put Rachel to bed tonight and gave her kisses, she looked up and said, "Goodnight Daddy and Goodnight Mommy." I think Greg and I both teared up a little. Our baby is growing up so fast!

Playing House

Rachel loves to play with her doll house lately. She put the mom in the bed and then picked up the dad and put him in the bed too. She quickly took him out and said, "No, daddy sleep in the dirt." Greg and I started laughing and told her that Daddy works in the dirt but he doesn't sleep there. Since we laughed, she repeats it all the time!